Providing for Individual Differences

Students with Additional Learning Needs (‘SWANS’) receive extra support. Support from our team of Learning Support Officers occurs in some English and Science classes, and all Foundation Maths classes. It is probable that they (the SWAN learner) are already a part of our Learning Enhancement class that replaces Language in Years 8 and 9.

In Year 10, this is structured differently, and is offered by invitation only.

Learning Enhancement; History is a semester length unit that replaces mainstream History. It follows a similar course content to that of mainstream History but is differentiated to cater for learning needs.  A Learning Support Officer also supports this class.

Learning Enhancement; English is a semester length unit that replaces one unit of Science. Thus, SWAN students are able to undertake one, not two, units of Science. A Learning Support Officer also supports this class.  Please note that participation in this class implies a VCE-VM or VPC pathway is to be pursued.

Learning Enhancement; Foundation Maths is a Unit 1 and 2 VCE Maths class that caters for students that have experienced challenges in Maths throughout secondary school.  It is offered at Year 10 by invitation only. It is suited to those that have undertaken an academically adjusted Maths program in Years 7-9. It does not prepare students for studies in VCE Maths, and therefore implies that Maths will not be undertaken in Year 11 and 12.