In 2023 the Avila College School Advisory Council (the council) established the Learning and Teaching Committee, the Finance and Master Planning Committee and the Community Engagement Committee.
Learning and Teaching Committee
The committee was established to provide consultation on the Learning and Teaching priorities that support the realisation of the Avila College school improvement plan.
The committee was established by the council to act as a consultation group in regards learning and teaching priorities, compliance and innovation.
It will:
- engage with and reflect on curriculum priorities
- discuss matters of pedagogy, student outcomes and pathways with an evidence basis
- provide recommendations to the committee for continued developments in the College curriculum
- hear advice and make considered recommendations on learning and teaching achievements, developments and future priorities
Guiding Priorities
The committee will:
- hold focus on the mission
- listen to the perspectives of students, staff and parents on experiences of learning and teaching
- identify possible evidence based innovation opportunities for learning and teaching
- promote recommendations for opportunities for excellence in learning and teaching
Operating Arrangements
The committee will:
- be chaired by the chair appointed by the principal
- meet as determined by the committee
- provide advice on future curriculum development opportunities
- support curriculum celebrations
- report to the council on its progress, outlining curriculum developments and student outcomes and possible implications for the ongoing development of learning and teaching
Finance and Master Planning Committee
The committee was established to provide consultation on the financial oversight, priorities and master planning that enables the realisation of the Avila College school improvement plan.
The committee was established by the council to act as a consultation group in regards to financial stewardship, priorities, compliance and physical master planning.
It will:
- undertake reflection and review of annual financial planning
- ensure alignment with MACS Secondary Finance and Infrastructure and Planning policies including when setting the annual school fee determination
- hear advice and make considered recommendations on physical master planning priorities that align with the school improvement plan.
Guiding Priorities
The committee will:
- hold focus on the mission
- listen to the expertise of College staff, external auditors and other consultants on matters of College financial planning
- provide input into medium sized and larger scale master planning matters from a finance perspective
- be aware of financial tensions and internal measures to manage these
Operating Arrangements
The committee will:
- be chaired by the chair appointed by the principal
- meet as determined by the committee
- provide support for College financial management
- report to the council on its progress, outlining financial status and master planning updates as appropriate
Community Engagement Committee
The committee was established to provide consultation on Community Engagement with our Catholic Identity, Student Wellbeing and Future Community Building that enables the realisation of the Avila College school improvement plan.
The committee was established by the council to act as a consultation group that sees the integration of Catholic Identity, Student Wellbeing and Safety and Future Enrolments as a learning community.
It will:
- undertake reflection and review of enrolment trends and community engagement
- provide recommendations to the council for continuing to promote and enrich our Catholic identity as a learning community
- hear advice and make considered recommendations on Student Wellbeing and Safety
Guiding Principles
The committee will:
- hold focus on the mission
- listen to the perspectives of students, staff and parents in relation to Catholic identity and student wellbeing and safety
- identify ways of enriching connections with parish and parish primary schools
- ensure support and promotion of school community activities
Operating Arrangements
The committee will:
- be chaired by the chair appointed by the principal
- meet as determined by the committee
- provide suggestions for promoting Avila College as a school of first choice
- provide support for student wellbeing and safety in the school community
- report to the council on its progress in promoting Catholic Identity, Student Wellbeing and Safety and promoting the College as a school of first choice