
Faith Matters

I recently attended World Youth Day in Rio, Brazil. World Youth Day is a celebration that brings together young Catholic people from all around the world and over three million people participated in the celebrations.

We were all there for the same reason: to strengthen our relationship with God and celebrate our faith with other young Catholics. We all expressed our love and loyalty to God by interacting with one another and ‘making disciples of all nations’.

I was able to meet many young Catholics like myself and have formed many friendships with people all around the world. All pilgrims participated together in prayer, music and dance. We attended Mass every day, catechesis, viewed the ‘Stations of the Cross’ and I even got to see Pope Francis.

news: faith mattersMany people crowded around to catch a glimpse of the Pope and the experience was very overwhelming and emotional. You could feel the positive energy radiating and everyone felt a part of something incredible, all chanting “Papa Francesco”.

 I felt so blessed to be a part of such a world-wide event and it had such a positive effect on me. This special journey that I shared with three million people has been a highlight in my Catholic life and I am very grateful to have been given this opportunity.

Cathy Darbyshire (Year 11)